The main objective of our project is to train trainers to recognise, train and validate a top-5 of soft skills that are most relevant for employability, better social integration or more successful education for vulnerable groups, and this on both national and European level. This way we strengthen human capital and employability by focussing on the development of soft skills on a European level. Education and training should equip everyone with a broad range of skills which opens doors to development in a complex society with fast-evolving workplaces.

ReTraVaSSEV Objectives

ReTraVaSSEV Objectives
The main goal of our project is the achievement of relevant and high quality soft skills among vulnerable groups for employability, better social integration and more successful education. Therefore we will develop a training package and validation tool for trainers of vulnerable groups to recognize, train and validate the soft skills needed to gain these objectives.
Desktop study
Study and analysis of adults soft skills set as determined by the adult learners, employers and educators.
Training package
Training package for teachers/coaches/volunteers to help vulnerable groups develop their soft skills for employability, better social integration and more successful education.
Validation Tool
Methods and techniques for the validation of the soft skills in order to increase employability, allow access to the labor market, better social integration and access to education.
People Reached
- Adult Learners
Learners will be prepared for successful employability, better social integration and more successful education by the use of functional training curricula for soft skills. These trainings will enhance the participants’ self-esteem, expand their strengths and facilitate their social integration as self-sufficient and independent members of society.
- Employers
Employers will get better a trained and more motivated employees. The community’s network will profit from smoother integration of vulnerable groups. Local cohesion will strengthen.
- Educators
Educators/ trainers will raise an awareness of what soft skills to train in order for their learners to gain employability, better social integration and more successful education and how to train these soft skills as part of the national curricula.