The UNESCO guidelines for validation define Validation as a confirmation by an approved body, that learning outcomes or competences acquired by an individual have been assessed against reference points or standards through pre-defined assessment methodologies.

Validation is not a simple process, and it easily faces several obstacles and requirements. Validation should not be regarded as “the greatest solution” to sub certification problems, nor should it be overlooked or secondarily simplified. The first step is to recognize that all adults undergo lifelong learning processes, that we are constantly in learning processes and that we cannot separate knowledge in several disciplines or areas.

The validation of competences implies the inclusion in the Portfolio of each candidate the activities that can lead to the achievement of the validation. These activities should be anchored in the candidate’s experiential itinerary and deservedly envisaged in the light of their future projects.

In the preparation phase for the validation, the candidate carries out the self-evaluation of the portfolio, with the support of the technical-pedagogical team.  The trainer also validates the process and achievements of the learners.

During the project, project partners decided to create and use several tools that will allow us to evaluate the whole learning process of soft skills:

  1. Evaluation forms for trainers
  2. Self-assessment forms for learners
  3. Evaluation form for the lessons/tools
  4. Portfolio
  5. Certificate of attendance


The “Validation Tools” booklet is available in English, Dutch, Greek, Macedonian, Portuguese and  Swedish languages

ReTraVaSSEV Validation Tools_EN
Tools for Recognition, Training and Validation of Soft Skills for Employability of Vulnerable groups.
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